TechAI - Technology Website Template For Gutenberg

TechAI is a complete WordPress template pack for creating a technology website without any coding. You can create AI or tech startup websites using this ready template pack. But it can be used to create websites focusing on machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, or artificial intelligence (AI) company websites in no time. If you want to showcase your AI innovation or sell your AI services, this template pack could be your perfect option.
Built with Gutenberg & Essential Blocks, this technology website template pack comes with innovative illustrations, eye-catching color combinations, dynamic motion effects, eye-catching call-to-action buttons, and more. You will get 5 amazing, fully customizable web pages which are:
- Home Page
- About Page
- Features Page
- Blog Page
- Blog Details Page
- Contact Page
In addition, this ready AI website template pack is fully responsive and adaptable to all devices and screens. So, you can provide the smoothest browsing experience to your visitors while showcasing your AI innovation to the world. So use ‘TechAI’ and start crafting the ideal websites for AI that you have always envisioned.
5 Amazing Landing Pages: Create a fully functioning website with ready-made beautiful landing pages
Engaging Testimonial Section: Display your social proof to build credibility of your AI innovation
Beautiful Interactive Sections: Showcase your AI technology and features to the world with creative sections and layouts
Full Customizability With Gutenberg: Customize the full template pack easily with your favorite website builder
Responsiveness Across All Devices: Provide the best user experience to your visitors with responsive web layouts.