Wave Digital - SEO Agency Template For Gutenberg

Wave Digital is a modern, attractive SEO agency landing page template for WordPress. Built with Gutenberg and Essential Blocks, Wave Digital can also be used for creating SEO marketing agency websites, digital marketing, content marketing, and other similar websites.
Featuring a very interactive design, bright and bold color palette, Wave Digital also comes with attractive Call To Action buttons, animated logo carousel, infoboxes, contact forms, testimonial blocks, accordion blocks and much more.
Compatible With Gutenberg Block Editor: Customize each page just the way you want with WordPress default editor.
Attractive Call To Action Buttons: Boost your website click-through rates with eye-catching Call To Action buttons.
Interactive Testimonial Block: Display customer reviews with an interactive testimonial block.
100% Responsiveness On All Devices: Instantly adjust to device screen size and orientation for the best experience.